दानेन तुल्यो विधिरास्ति नान्यो लोभोच नान्योस्ति रिपु: पॄथिव्या |
विभूषणं शीलसमं च नान्यत् सन्तोषतुल्यं धनमस्ति नान्यत् ||
विभूषणं शीलसमं च नान्यत् सन्तोषतुल्यं धनमस्ति नान्यत् ||
इस धरती पर दान जैसी कोई क्रिया नहीं है, लोभ जैसा कोई दुश्मन नहीं है, चरित्र जैसा कोई आभूषण नहीं है और संतोष जैसा कोई धन नहीं है।
There is no vidhi (ritual) which is as noble as donation. (People follow some rituals to get some "punya". this subhashit says that sharing your wealth with others is the best possible ritual.) There is no enemy as greed on this earth. (Greed gives rise to problems in life, that's why it is our biggest enemy) There is no other ornament like sheela (good character). (We use ornaments to adorn our body, but there is no ornament comparable to good character.) There is no wealth as satisfaction. (We earn wealth for being happy, but satisfaction is key to happiness.)
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